PADI Advanced Open Water Diver

You might have been in this situation. Standing at a dive center, ready for those amazing dives, but you need to be ‘Advanced’?

The PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course is the next exciting step in your diving flippers! The course will build your confidence in and out of the water, by introducing you to a variety of diving experiences that are a lot more fun and relaxing than completing full days of skills and exams.

Mandatory Dives and Elective Dives

The mandatory dives are the Deep Dive and the Navigation Dive. Furthermore, we will adapt the other 3 dives as much as possible to the circumstances in which you want to use your Advanced Open Water diving certificate. Your interest and diving are paramount in the choice of the other dives. The Advanced Open Water certification is also a pre-requisite for participating in the Rescue Diver course and you can follow PADI specialties afterwards.

Mandatory Dives

Elective Dives


You will receive your own PADI student manual (book or digital) with which you can delve into the theory of the dives you will make. That means that you can focus on increasing your knowledge. The book is also a nice reference book if you want to make other dives in the future. So it is really a hands-on course. So there is no exam attached.

PADI Advanced Open Water Course

325 299
  • Private Instructor
  • Course Material
  • Use of Scuba Equipment



The planning of the course can be adjusted to your availability, so we have three options for you:

  • Two (2) days
  • One-Weekend Course
  • Flexi: entirely to your needs